First Confirm What You Have

Before checking over our extensive collection of how-to guides and troubleshooting documents we recommend you work out exactly which systems you are using. Here's a few quick check documents to help you identify the technology that you have in place. 

How to Check What Telephone System you have manual

How to Check What Telephone System you have (PBX)

This is important: Please confirm what system you have

Please use this PDF to determine what AASTRA (ascom) telephone system you are connected to, so enabling you to reference the correct information. Best done from an Office 5370 Desk-phone. 



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Please note: The above procedure may vary slightly depending on the software level of the system

How to know which Voice Mail system you use manual

The Voice Mail system you use

From an Office 5370 desk-phone (recommended) with a working personal Voice Mail. New ASTRA 400, later AASTRA, ascom IntelliGate systems with Standard Voice Mail (SVM) or Enterprise Voice Mail (EVM).

Current Voice Mail
Standard (SVM) and Enterprise (EVM)

Legacy (now obsolete)
AVS system on older IntelliGate systems

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Instructions on how to check phone model number

Office 5360 or 5361

Both phones look similar so using the guide will explain how to tell the difference between the two. 

Office 5360 with 10 solid black buttons down the right, NOTE: Team and Line keys not available Limited functions.

Office 5361 with 10 clear edge and black centre keys down the right, NOTE: Line keys not available Team keys only available on 400

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Although an Office 5361 can be connected to older IntelliGate systems the Team Key function will not work.

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